
I have written some articles on the topics of stewardship, parish operations and development or living your calling that churches have found useful for their publications, bulletins and other parish communications that I have included under the ARTICLES tab under this Resources tab.  

I have also identified several great books on the same topics that I recommend for churches that I have included under the BOOKS tab under this Resources tab.

The  STATS/FACTS tab under this Resources tab contains some facts, figures and links to information and statistics about church stewardship, spirituality, income, memberships, demographics and other related topics of importance to churches.

And I have included a WEBLINKS tab under this Resources tab with links to various websites covering a variety of relevant topics including church, development, stewardship and organizational resources.

I have also provided links to some best in class STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY HANDBOOKS that parishes can use to showcase their Ministries to be used in the Stewardship Program when trying to engage all parish stewards.

Please check back often as I will add articles, books, stats/facts and web links from time to time. And please let me know if there are any particular topics you would like me to address in an Article, or if you have anything you would like to contribute, by emailing me at either