Facts / Stats

I have assembled some facts, figures and statistics statistics about church stewardship, spirituality, income, memberships, demographics and other related topics of critical importance to churches.

In addition, some visionaries a few years ago started to compile some fascinating data about how our world is changing and how the pace of change is accelerating at a previously unimaginable rate. It was called: “Did You Know (Shift Happens)”

I have attempted to update some of the amazing data (which is hard to do given the previously cited blinding pace of change). It serves as a factual backdrop to some of the parish, laity, clergy, strategic planning and faith-based community retreats I lead. Hopefully, this staggering data will help you appreciate the need for change in your life and church.

If you want to blow your mind with real time stats about the numbers of people on the internet, emails sent, websites online, Google searches, blog posts, Tweets, YouTube videos watched, photos uploaded and countless other unimaginable data streams about our use of technology, click here: Internet Live Stats.com.

As former General Electric CEO, Jack Welch, once said: “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” Or more succinctly:

“Change before you have to.


If you have faith and courage and are willing to confront the tough questions and challenges, please contact Bill@stewardshipcalling.com to learn more about a spiritual retreat/renewal program successfully used with clergy and laity to re-energize them on their journey. It is not the only path, but it is one that is available to you, and it can make a real and positive difference.

Did You Know? is licensed by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and XPLANE under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike license  which allows you to freely copy, distribute, remix and transmit the presentation as long as you give proper attribution to the original creators and share the resulting work under the same license.