“Believers didn’t change the world. Doers changed the world.”¹

My ministry is called Stewardship Calling because I believe your stewardship calling is what you are called to DO with all the gifts your Creator gave you.
So, what should you do? What should your parish do? To answer those questions, you need to discover WHY you and your parish are here on this earth? What is it that you are called to do with all your life, talents, resources, and gifts?
If you wonder any of these things, you have come to the right place.
My Stewardship Calling and “WHY” is to help people, parishes, ministries, and church organizations discover and live their stewardship callings and WHY so that they may have a “good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.” (II Corinthians 5:10)
I have been blessed to help over 650 Orthodox churches and complete strategic plans that cover over 26% of Orthodox Christians. This website takes that experience and aggregates a totally free array of effective materials and solutions for individuals, churches, ministries, and organizations in the areas of finding your WHY, stewardship, strategic planning, leadership development, and operational excellence. All of these offerings are based on the Stewardship Calling Effective Church Model and my Orthodox Ministry Services Effective Parish Assessment models provided below.

The most effective churches need Engaged Disciples, living a Culture of True Stewardship and Generosity, in pursuit of a Consensus Vision and Plan to achieve it, all unified by an Effective Worship Experience.
Empirical data shows that there are 6 Operational Pillars and 30 Building Blocks that must be optimized to excellence in the most healthy and effective Orthodox Parish. The free Effective Parish Assessment empirically measures a parish’s health and effectiveness

Christ’s Instructions To You – Are You Ready To Follow Them?
What if some homeless-looking person that you passed by as you entered church one Sunday was asked by your priest to challenge you to understand and live Christ’s 3-C instructions? Watch, and ask yourself, what would I do if this happened to me?
And if you wonder why the homilist looked homeless, check out the short testimonial ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN. You can also listen to the full Young Adult League Keynote Address the delivered the following week in Phoenix here: FIND YOUR WHY, SHARE THE LOVE, BE THE LIGHT. Finally, you can read more here: YOUNG ADULT LEAGUE KEYNOTE ADDRESS.
Why Are You Here? – Are You Ready To Live Your Calling?
To hear the essence of my personal message based on practical life experiences and Holy Scripture about how we can each live a fulfilled life by living our stewardship calling, check out my Living Your Stewardship Calling homily given at St. John the Divine.
Are you ready to account to God for what you have done with all of the many blessings, gifts and resources over which you were made a steward? What would you say? How can you better use your many God-given talents and better live your stewardship calling? Here are a few suggestions from a homily I delivered in Wichita, KS.
Check out a Keynote address I offered trying to provide some answers to the critical question “Why Are You Here”

My name is Bill Marianes. (You can read more in the “It’s Not About Me” page under the “Personal” tab.) By vocation, I was a partner and in management for almost 40 years at 2 global law firms with over 1,100 lawyers each, but please don’t hold that against me. My calling and “why” is to help people, parishes and church organizations discover and live their stewardship callings so that they may have a “good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.”
“Every full day of your earthly life, God will give you two special gifts. The first is 24 hours. The second is the free will to decide what you will do with the first gift. Choose wisely because of all eternity hangs in the balance.”
“Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:18)
To learn more or discuss bringing the “Igniting The Flame” or any other Stewardship Calling program to your community, contact Bill Marianes at: Bill@stewardshipcalling.com
“Stewardship is what you do with all of the gifts God gave you.” May God bless you as you pursue your own unique stewardship calling. My prayer for you is that you: Stay on The Path and enjoy the journey. “SOTPAETJ”
¹ Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church was the one whom I heard first use these powerful words.
Copyright © Stewardship Calling – Bill Marianes 2008-2024