Why Are You Here?

One of the most profound questions one must answer is “Why am I here?” Of all of the trillions of life forms on earth, you were the one whom God made in His image and likeness. For what purpose were you given all of the gifts, talents, resources, abilities and experiences you have been given?

Humorist and author Mark Twain once famously said: “The two most important days of your life are: first, the day you were born, and second, the day you figure out why.” It is in pursuit of helping you figure out your WHY that this page and these resources are devoted. Godspeed on your journey!

1. A Keynote Address I offer is entitled: “Why Are We Here?” and one version of it can be found here:

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION (PowerPoint)  – Why Are We Here

2. I have recorded several Stewardship Calling Ancient Faith Radio live programs and podcasts on a process to help discover and live your WHY.

The program describing the three first steps can be found here:

The GOD Positioning System – the First 3 Steps

The program describing the three questions you have to ask and answer for yourself can be found here:

Why Am I Here? – the Three Key Questions

3. Of course, I am a big fan and believer in the seminal TED Talk and books in this area offered by Simon Sinek and his organization entitled: Start With Why  and Find Your Why – A Practical Guide For Discovering Purpose For You And Your Team

This TED Talk is a MUST SEE for everyone!