By the grace of God, I am blessed to be presenting on July 24th and 25th some of the latest information about true stewardship and engaged discipleship at the Orthodox Church of America’s All American Council in St. Louis under the Leadership of Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All America and Canada. We will explore in two 3-hour sessions “How Do We Properly Steward What God Has Entrusted to Us?” – the 3 P’s of stewardship of Persons, Parishes and the Planet.
This program is chaired by Archbishop Mark of the OCA Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania and Bishop David, Bishop of Sitka and Alaska, and will include OCA clergy panelists: Fr. Justin Patterson, Fr. Joseph Lucas, Fr, Matthew Joyner, Fr. Ignatius Hunter and Fr. Stephen Vernack.
The presentation can be downloaded here:
You are doing wonderful work for the Glory of God and His Holy Orthodox Church! I pray He gives you strength and good health to continue your outreach
for many-many-joyous years!