“Does the future have a church?” And assuming it does, what might it look like?
Much of the relevant data is pointing in an undesirable direction. This makes our work more challenging as we try and prepare a “good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ.”
On Sunday, September 30th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific) the Ancient Faith Radio Stewardship Calling 5th Sunday Program will explore this critical topic. We’ll focus on an insightful article that you can download under the September 30, 2018 program description at https://stewardshipcalling.com/internet-radio/ that was written by my special guest, Father Dr. Anton Vrame, the director of the GOA Department of Religious Education and Adjunct Associate Professor at Holy Cross.
Fr. Tony and I will dive into the incredible data you need to know as to what is going on with our Christian churches in America, including our beloved Orthodox churches. Most importantly, we hope to start to cast a better vision about a brighter future.
We will explore what the church of the future in the U.S. might look like from several different perspectives and we welcome yours. This program will be of special interest to all laity and clergy working on addressing the current and future needs of the faithful and seekers in their communities. Feel free to pass this message on to anyone who might be interested.
Please tune in to http://www.ancientfaith.com/radio/live on Sunday, September 30th at 8:00 p.m. We’d also love you to call in at 1-855-237-2346 or join the lively chat room.
Thanks, and God bless.
Bill Marianes
Will the radio program with Fr. Vrame be available online? Many thanks.
It has already been uploaded and you can find it on this website under Internet Radio tab and scroll down to the September 30, 2018 program notes.
I appreciate the work you are doing here, but if this is based on an orthodox Christian understanding then the title question of this post is wrong as it is self-evident that the future has a church as the true church of Christ is eternal – no question about that.
Perhaps you might want to read Fr Tony Vrame’s article by that name which you can access from my https://www.stewardshipcalling.com website and the Internet Radio Tab and scroll down to the September 30, 2019 program notes.