Are you having trouble raising all of the money or other resources you need for your favorite cause, ministry, church or nonprofit organization?
The August 7th edition of Stewardship Calling’s 1st Wednesday program on Ancient Faith Radio at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7 Central; 6 Mountain; 5 Pacific) focuses on understanding what donor fatigue is, the psychological factors that cause it, and how Orthodox Christian ministries, churches and nonprofit organizations can address its pernicious impact.
My guest is Fr. Aaron Warwick, the dynamic priest at St. Mary Orthodox Church in Wichita Kansas, who earned a Master’s degree in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Development from the University of Northern Iowa focusing on the topic of donor fatigue.
You can tune in at: and you can download a copy of this extremely helpful Master’s degree research paper at the website under the internet radio tab: by scrolling down to the August 7, 2019 program notes.
Come join us on August 7th and learn how you can help turn the tide of donor fatigue that is adversely affecting your church, ministries and nonprofit organizations.
Thanks and God bless.
Bill Marianes
I’m not able to find the Donor Fatigue article by your guest. I’d like to share it with my priest. Could you please email it to me?
Ruth you can find and download Fr Aaron’s Masters Thesis by going to and the Internet Radio Tab and scrolling down to the August 7, 2019 program notes.