Following Christ’s Instructions – Making Disciples

How willing are we to fully follow Christ’s clear instructions? That’s a tough question we all have to ask ourselves. Our Lord’s final direction was clear, concise and unequivocal: “Go and make disciples of ALL nations.” Period. Full stop. End of discussion!
This means that we all have the duty to invite, evangelize and welcome. Indeed, some of the churches that are healthiest and growing, do missions and evangelism very well.  But for some reason, that is not always as high a priority in some parts of our Orthodox ecosystem as it is in other Christian denominations. Why is that? What can we do about it?
Gallup estimates 43% of the 330 million Americans are un-churched. This means there are almost 142 million un-churched people in the U.S. The empirical surveys also show that 71% of them would attend a church if invited by a friend. So, there are just over 100 million Americans ready to attend our churches with us if only we extended an invitation.
Can you imagine what the Orthodox Christian Church in America would look like if we did what our Lord told us to do. We can start immediately just by inviting our friends. So, how can we do Orthodox Missions & Evangelism better?
The Wednesday June 3, 2020 Stewardship Calling program on Ancient Faith Radio will focus on how our Orthodox Churches can better support and perform our Missions and Evangelism ministries. My special guest will be the dynamic and very experienced Orthodox Missions and Evangelism professional, Thomaida Hudanish, the Director of Missions and Evangelism for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.

Here is a link to a short flyer with more information: MISSIONS & EVANGELISM PROGRAM. And you can find some helpful Missions & Evangelism resources at the Stewardship Calling website here: PODCASTS & INTERNET RADIO  by scrolling down to the program information for the June 3, 2020 program.
Tune in this Wednesday June 3rd at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7 Central; 6 Mountain; 5 Pacific) by logging in at: and learn some effective ways we can fulfill our stewardship calling through more effective Missions and Evangelism. And please feel free to call in with your questions at 1-855-AFRADIO (1-855-237-2346) or join the chat room.  God bless.

Bill Marianes

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