The role of the Parish Priest is critical to the success of the Parish. And the success of any married Orthodox Parish Priest is dependent on the love and support of his wife (Presvytera, Matushka, Panimatka, Popadija, Khouria). There are many pressures and demands placed on Clergy spouses and their families.
On the June 1, 2022, Stewardship Calling Live, we will share the latest empirical research on the issues faced by Clergy families, and some things we can do to make their lives better.
We will discuss this critical information with Clergy Family Initiative Project Co-Leader, Dr. George Koulianos, Presvytera Nicole Keares, the President of the National Sisterhood of Presvyteres, and Principal Researcher, Dr. George Stavros.
Tune in at: 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7 Central; 6 Mountain; 5 Pacific). We also welcome your calls and comments by calling in at 1-855-AFRADIO (1-855- 237-2346).