Transforming Our Parishes and Metropolis

Where can you go to hear about 34 transformational strategic goals and programs, 28 of which can substantially improve church parishes and their ministries and parishioners? If you are anywhere near  Jacksonville, Orlando, Boca Raton, Clearwater, Mobile, Birmingham, Atlanta, Greenville, Greensboro, Charlotte and Florence, read the following post and come join us as we change … [Read more…]

How To Have A More Effective Church – North Ohio Program

How does a church reverse the challenging trends of growing disengagement, apathy and lack of ministry and financial support? With 47% of Orthodox Christian adults leaving the church of their youth, and their children leaving the church at more than twice the rate of their parents, the status quo leads to an unacceptable conclusion. After … [Read more…]

San Jose, CA Igniting The Flame and Living in H.D. – The Effective Church Model

Learn about the Effective Church Model and Ignite the Flame of Discipleship, Stewardship and Strategic Planning in your personal life and parish. If you’re in the San Francisco Bay area on Saturday, November 5, 2016, St. Basil The Great Greek Orthodox Church is hosting the Igniting the Flame and Living in H.D. Effective Church Model … [Read more…]

Effective Church Model – Program 1: Consensus Vision and Strategic Plan

  There are 4 essential dimensions to a truly effective church. They include 1. Engaged Disciples, 2. a Culture of True Stewardship, 3. Consensus Vision and Strategic Plan and 4. an Effective Worship Experience. The Stewardship Calling ministry is devoted to the best practices in all 4 of these dimensions The October 30th Stewardship Calling … [Read more…]

Strategic Plan for National Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

  The future of Christ’s church in America is in our hands. What are we doing to have “a good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ?” This week, the national Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA answers that question in a most powerful and decisive manner with the release of their transformational Strategic … [Read more…]