Under the inspired leadership of Metropolitan Gerasimos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco and his Metropolis Stewardship Chair Steve Pappas, I am honored to be delivering ZOOM presentations of the Igniting The Flame of True Christian Stewardship Program and several monthly follow-up programs that explore these topics in greater detail. We will discuss the proven best practices of true Christian Stewardship.
The PowerPoint handout for the 5-2-22 program on Tithing and Percentage Giving can be downloaded here: TITHING AND PERCENTAGE GIVING PROGRAM
The PowerPoint handout for the 9-20-21 program on Stewardship Ambassadors and personal solicitations can be downloaded here: STEWARDSHIP AMBASSADOR & PERSONAL SOLICITATION PROGRAM
The PowerPoint handout for the 5-24-21 program on STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEES:
The PowerPoint handout for the 3-22-21 program on how to conduct a comprehensive stewardship campaign can be downloaded here: EFFECTIVE STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGNS
Session 5 summarized sessions 1-4 and answered questions.
The PowerPoint handout for Session 5 and the Appendix can be downloaded here: SESSION 5 HANDOUT
You can download the entire video here: SESSION 5 VIDEO
Session 4 covered: 1. Effective Messaging; 2. Campaigns (Stewardship, Capital & Planned Giving); 3. Transparency & Accountability; 4. Stewardship Team.
The PowerPoint handout for Session 4 can be downloaded here: SESSION 4 HANDOUT
You can download the entire video here: SESSION 4 VIDEO
Session 3 covered: 1. Welcoming; 2. Thanking; 3. Youth Stewardship; 4. Small Groups.
The PowerPoint handout for Session 3 can be downloaded here: SESSION 3 HANDOUT
You can download the entire video here: SESSION 3 VIDEO
Session 2 covered: 1. Parish leadership alignment on stewardship strategy; 2. Tithing and percentage giving; 3. Increasing the engagement of stewards and parishioners; 4. The 9-step “wHoly Engaged Process” to maximize the personal touch and parishioner stewardship results and engagement.
The PowerPoint handout for Session 2 can be downloaded here: SESSION 2 HANDOUT
You can download the entire video here: SESSION 2 VIDEO
Session 1 covered: 1. Facts & figures affecting churches; 2. COVID-19 or other crises strategies; 3. Conclusions from the Science of Generosity Studies; 4. Definitions of stewardship and how to start to create a culture of true Orthodox stewardship.
The PowerPoint handout for Session 1 can be downloaded here: SESSION 1 HANDOUT
You can download the entire video here: SESSION 1 VIDEO
Here is the agenda for the 5 sessions:

The PowerPoint APPENDIX handout can be downloaded here: APPENDIX for IGNITING THE FLAME OF STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM – 2020 Metropolis of San Francisco
Check back soon for the PowerPoint Handouts for Sessions 2, 3, 4 and 5.